  • Competion

    Lex Lata BV hereby announces the establishment of the competition of the young authors - law students, academicians, practitioners, etc. - which provides the publishing opportunity to young prospective authors. The competition eims to recognize the outstanding work to be published in the following:

    - Private International Law

    - Public International Law

    - European Law

    - International Law

    - Constitutional Law


Laws and Regulations
Database contains case law focusing on contractual and non-contractual relations with international (foreign) elements, as well as any and all relevant literature and associated laws and regulations within the scope of following legal instruments:

  • Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome convention)
  • Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I)
  • Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II)

A separate section of the database shall be devoted in near future to laws and regulations connected with the Rome III Regulation on divorce, as well as other European “Rome” instruments to be adopted.
Database contains also national conflict-of-law rules and any associated legislation of both Member and non-Member States.

Case Law

The database contains decisions on contractual relations with international elements that directly apply the “Rome instruments”, as well as case law the scope of which corresponds to the scope of these instruments, despite the fact that these instruments were not directly applied therein. Decisions important for the interpretation of notions, concepts or legal relations connected in any manner to such instruments are also included.

The database features articles on international obligations (relationships), reviews of interesting publications, and an extensive index of published legal texts.

The database has its own interactive Czech-English-Polish dictionary

The database is aimed at serving the professional public in the European context; nonetheless, it should also provide a useful tool for all legal practitioners and academics specializing in private international law, although its scope should by no means be limited to the aforementioned target groups and regions. This is one of the reasons why the database ought to offer Czech, English and Polish language versions.